WA Super Street Competition
For the 2021/22 Western Australian Drag Racing season, Super Street will have a competition for the best package which is your reaction time plus how close you run to your dial in. Thornlie Automotive and WA Suspensions have thrown their support behind the competition to reward the racers. Super Street is an entry level Sedan category, using the "Dial your own handicap system". Super Street is open to Sedans running between 10.00 seconds and 12.99 seconds.
The competition is open to any super street racer who races at the Perth Motorplex, You don't have to be a member of the Western Australian Drag Racing Association to be apart of it. Trophies and prizes will be presented at the WADRA monthly club meetings on the 4th Tuesday of each month.
Reaction Time/Dial in competition – How it works.
1. All runs to be done in elimination rounds.
2. Red Light runs are not eligible.
3. Breakouts are not eligible
4. You do not have to win the race, as long as it is an eligible run it’s in the competition.
5. The package is your reaction time plus the difference between your dial in and your ET. (e.g. .010 reaction time + 11.050, on a dial in of 11.00 will be a package total of 0.060.)
6. Awards for 3 best packages at each round.
7. You can only win once per meeting.
Round one (November 6th) winners in Reaction Time/Dial in Competition:
1st: Lisa Garbellini with a 0.013 package
2nd: Bernie Ellerby with a 0.041 package
3rd: Andy Oorschot with a 0.055 package
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