This off season there will be 4 events run for radial tyre cars only
Titled “THE LIST”
Dates and times as below
Saturday 29th June 10 am - 4 pm
Saturday 27 th July 10 am - 4 pm
Saturday 10 th August 10 am - 4 pm
Saturday 7 th September 10 am - 4 pm
With some proposed rain dates being the Sunday after scheduled day should it be needed
Tyres must be RADIAL
only as listed below
Hoosier , M/Ts , Goodyear and M/H tyres
No pro street radial tyres sorry
Classes as follows
Naturally Aspirated , Power Adder and Outlaw
The aim of the game is to see where you can place on THE LIST
Entry price will be $300 which includes Driver + 1 x Crew
Additional tickets $20
Spectators welcome $20
Competitor numbers will be capped at 50 entrants
10 % ESP scrutineering will apply to all racers holding a current license and log book who have pre entered
Track will be full Radial prep for both lanes on the day
Pre entry will be required and will be available shortly
Please note : Modern street cars equipped with 4 wheel disk brakes and air bags can run down to 10.00 1;4 mile ET
Any quicker they must comply with ANDRA SAFETY REGS , Andra license and log book
We hope to see this supported by the WA radial community.
