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Roll Racing Is Coming to the Motorplex

Roll Racing is Coming to the Perth Motorplex

Roll Racing is coming to the Fast Friday Racing Series on November 18th. Roll racing is where both vehicles start from a rolling start . The speed that the roll begins at is 40 km/h, but the outcome of who gets to the finish line, or who is in front of the other vehicle first is the winner.


  • 6:30 pm – Open Track Time commences – Unlimited runs each competitor throughout the open track time.

  • 9:00 pm – Eliminations commence – Elimination format to decide the class winners.

  • 9:45 pm – Final Shootout – Each winner from each class will compete in a final shoot out eliminator to determine the fastest cars of the night.


Entry is open to all road registered cars. Unregistered cars may be accepted under approval of the Perth Motorplex. Entry acceptance is at the full discretion of the Perth Motorplex.


All cars must be road registered. Bikes are not permitted for Roll Racing.

Classes of Cars:

4 cylinder, 6 cylinder, 8 cylinder, Rotary/Electric/Other.

Entrants of the vehicle are fully responsible for the preparation and safety of their vehicle.


Your car will be checked for safety & compliance. It is your responsibility to ensure you present a road registered and safe prepared car.


Passengers must be 18 years of age or over.

To ride as a passenger an indemnity form must be completed.

Passengers need to be wearing the same safety gear as the driver.

Spectators can also take part in the event by signing a waiver and purchasing a Passenger Pass – $20.


All entrants require:

  • a helmet with a minimum specification of AS1698.

  • enclosed footwear

  • full length clothing from the neck and covering wrists and ankles and must be non-flammable.


  • The 2 competitor cars will stage in the start area in the marked blue boxes.

  • Upon the official’s signal, the 2 competitor cars will accelerate to 40kph evenly toward the starting lights located 150m away.

  • When the green light illuminates, both cars will accelerate toward the finish line located 300m from the green light.

  • First car across the finish line is the winner.

  • Cars will then brake to a 60kph speed at the commencement of the braking zone.

  • Cars will turn on to the return road and slowly return to the pit area.


The winner of each class will receive free entry into the next Roll Racing event and will be allocated prime pit area access.

Full Event Details:



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