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Weston's 1# Fans!

‘Weston’s 1# Fans!’

Times have been challenging recently.

I’m not just referring to 12am finishes and endless hours being spent in the work shop, completing the build of the new Weston Racing dragster.

Harrold Davies my grandad has received some uneasy news in the last weeks past.

The ‘C’ word, the one we often hear infiltrating conversation amongst friends.. the verdict behind losing too many of our shared passion filled friends and the disease you choose to be ignorant towards ever breaking your family.

This is not the first time the ‘C’ Word has visited my Family, by visited I’d like to state we have conquered this villain before and we will work to again.

Norma Davies my Nanny and loving wife of Harrold has also been dealt her unfair share of undeserved pain. In spite of the negative times they have been through and are currently battling they remain positive, providing me with the motivation I have required to complete this build.

All Racers know the expenses involved with racing and the continuous outgoing flow of income that is require to build and run these high horse powered machines. The desire to give back all that my grandparents have given me has forced me to work, work and work some more. The only repayment I can make on a life time of positivity and support from Norma and Harold is the ability to create the warming smiles their faces light up with when they see the dragster roll up to the start line.

Racing to me isn’t about the wins or losses, it isn’t about the seconds or mph it is about Family. Not just my immediate family but the friends and sponsors I have made along the way that I now call my family. After two long years of withdrawal from the 3500hp thrill I appreciate that family more now than ever. Many people have stuck by my team and myself as we have counted down the seconds that have felt like days.. and many people have only just began their journey following the Weston Racing saga, I don’t appreciate them any less. Without the support of all involved I wouldn’t be where I am today, READY!… Ready to be back on the start line. This vehicle is state of the art, I feel comfortable and have no doubts in its capability, a true reflection of the workmanship that has gone into the chassis build from Chip Neilson and I can’t wait to share it with all.. it’s been a long time coming.

For those who follow our Weston Racing social links, I know the frustration has been brewing as we are reluctant to give too much away but October 14th the car will be ran at Test and Tune. Presenting alongside the new car our new look and branding. It’s a whole new beginning but again without the support we have backing us from our Race Family we wouldn’t be close to where we are today and it is very much appreciated.

This one is for you Nanny and Grandad.

Let’s go Racing!



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