About Us
In 2017 Westside Drag Racing Association and WASSMA merged into one club forming WADRA : Western Australian Drag Racing Association Incorporated. WADRA is an ANDRA affiliated club.
Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month, to keep members informed on the latest Drag Racing news from our members, Motorplex officials, Andra representatives and guest speakers.
Committee members are available to assist with questions or concerns during our monthly meetings or at the track. A competition point score is run for members during the Drag Racing season and an end of year Awards night is held to celebrate and reward it's members.
Our Committee
President - Bruce "Budgie" Jones
Former Modified Bike racer and 2015/16 WA Drag racing Champion.
Vice President - Natalie McClure
Over 29 years involoved in the sport as a JD mum, short stint as Vice President of WCJDA, Volunteer at the track various roles. Crew member of the Quarter Mile Drag Racing Experience. Joined WADRA as associate member before becoming a racer recently having a ball, helping to organize end of season functions.
Secretary - Liz Johns
If there is anything this lady doesn't know about drag racing she will find the answer. Liz has been involved in Drag Racing for more years than we can count, crew member, crew chief, a representative on the Andra WA Division.
Treasurer - Hannah Johns
Born into drag racing, taking part in both her family super comp team as well as volunteer for the Perth Motorplex in many capacities across drag racing & burnouts. Now is an integeral part of the all girl team on Lisa Gregorini's Top Doorslammer.
Membership Secretary- Madison Brown
Social Media Manager- Jamie Chaisty
ANDRA Representative- Geoff Chaisty